Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

robin alexander III

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An essential part of the ZSB’s work is the series of lectures “Hallenser Abendgespräche zu Schule und Bildung” (Halle evening talks on school and education).  These take place every semester and deal with current topics of  educational research and school pedagogy. Furthermore, the ZSB has  formed working groups that discuss core questions concerning the  centre’s research focuses. In addition, the ZSB and its cooperating  partners organise conferences, workshops and single lectures.

The ZSB hosts international conferences on a regular basis. Since 1995, seven international conferences have been held.

20 Jahre Zentrum für Schul- und Bildungsforschung

Das Zentrum für Schul- und Bildungsforschung feiert in diesem Jahr sein 20-jähriges Bestehen. Die Festveranstaltung findet am 15. Mai 2014 statt.
Programm20Jahre ZSB.pdf (1.6 MB)  vom 19.03.2014
