Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Development of Student Habitus in Teacher Education for Elementary School as Part of Teacher Professionalization?

Duration: 07/2024 - 06/2027

It is debatable, how significant is teacher education for teacher professionalization. There are hardly any longitudinal studies which research the development of student habitus related to teacher professionalization. This longitudinal project would make a substantial contribution to the debate and research gap. It aims at a reconstruction and sense-genetic type formation of habitus of teacher students for primary schools and its development in respect of the requirements of their study and the anticipated requirements of teaching profession in future at two universities, the concepts and didactics of which for teacher education to each other are differently. Beyond that, this study observes professionalization tendencies of student habitus. Secondly, this study intends to find the relationship between the development of study-related habitual dispositions and the development of habitual dispositions related to teaching profession. Thirdly, this project tends to observe and identify the sense and interpretation of student habitus regarding the program of teacher education at each selected university. Ultimately, this study targets at an empirically founded theorization about the development of student habitus as part of the genesis of (professional) teacher habitus.

Projektleiterin: Dr. Mei-Ling Liu

Studentische Hilfskräfte: Hendrik Lobe, Kevin Knaust, Michelle Leonie Chemnitz
