Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Exklusive Gymnasien und ihre Schüler

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Distinction in the German “Gymnasium”? Processes of Creating Habitus in “Exclusive” Secondary Schools – Sub-Project 4

Project Director

Prof. Dr. Werner Helsper, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Zentrum für Schul- und Bildungsforschung (i)

Research Associates

Katrin Kotzyba M.A. (i)

Associated Researcher: Dr. Anja Gibson (i), Lena Dreier (i) and Dr. Mareke Niemann (i)


Helsper, Werner/Niemann, Mareke/Gibson, Anja/Dreier, Lena (i.E.):  ‘Elite’ and ‘excellence’. A delicate matter for head teachers of  exclusive secondary schools in Germany. In: van Zanten, Agnès (Ed.): The  (re)production of elite identities in families and schools. vol. 3 of  major theme "elite eduaction". Routledge

Helsper, Werner/Dreier,  Lena/Gibson, Anja/Kotzyba, Katrin/Niemann, Mareke (2018):  Exklusive  Gymnasien und ihre Schüler. Passungsverhältnisse zwischen   institutionellem und individuellem Schülerhabitus. Wiesbaden: Springer   VS

Waldbauer, T. (2016): Wir werden dazu ausgebildet, einzigartig zu sein – der Blick einer Schülerin auf ihre „exklusive“ Schule. In: soziologiemagazin Heft Nr. 12, Jg.  2015. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.

Helsper, W./ Krüger-H.-H./ Dreier, L./ Keßler, C.I./ Kreuz, S./ Niemann, M. (2016): International orientierte höhere Schulen in Deutschland – Zwei Varianten von Internationalität im Wechselspiel von Institution und Schülerbiografie. In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 16 (3), DOI: 10.1007/s11618-016-0715-1. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Helsper, W./Dreier, L./Gibson, A./Kotzyba, K./ Niemann, M. (2015): „Exklusive“ und private Gymnasien in städtischen Bildungsregionen. Wettbewerb und Schülerauswahl am städtischen höheren Bildungsmarkt. In: Kraul, M. (Hg.):Private Schulen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, S. 45-61.

Helsper, W./Dreier, L./Niemann, M./Gibson, A. (2015): Auswahlverfahren in „exklusiven“ Gymnasien. Auswahlpraktiken und ihre Legitimation. In: Helsper, Werner/Krüger, Heinz-Hermann (Hrsg.): Auswahl der Bildungsklientel. Wiesbaden: Springer-VS, S. 135-164.

Bloch, R./ Dreier, L./ Kotzyba, K./ Mitterle, A./ Niemann, M.(2015): Auswahlgespräche in „exklusiven“ Gymnasien, privaten Hochschulen und „exzellenten“ Graduiertenschulen: Die Überprüfung von Authentizität und Passung. In: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 61, H. 1, S. 41-57.

Helsper, W./Niemann, M./Gibson, A./Dreier, L. (2014): Positionierungen zu „Elite“ und „Exzellenz“ in gymnasialen Bildungsregionen: Eine „Gretchenfrage“ für Schulleiter exklusiver Gymnasien? In: Krüger, H.-H./Helsper, W. (Hrsg.): Elite und Exzellenz im Bildungssystem: Nationale und internationale Perspektiven. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 17(3), Sonderheft 19, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, S. 203–219.

Helsper, W. (2012): Distinktion in der gymnasialen Schullandschaft: Vom Gymnasium als Unterschied zu Unterscheidungen im Gymnasialen? In: Lin-Klitzing, S./Di Fuccia, D./Müller-Frerich, G. (Hrsg.): Aspekte gymnasialer Bildung. Bad Heilbrunn, S. 116–135.

Abstract second funding phase (2014-19)

The project deals with the rarely explored area of “exclusive” “Gymnasiums”1 in relation to public discourses on elite, excellence and top performance. Our fundamental aim is to research the circumstances and significance of “exclusive” “Gymnasiums” in Germany in two contrasting regions, with particular emphasis on the development of the educational habitus among pupils. Five of these schools are “exclusive”, while two have non-exclusive concepts.

Against the backdrop of the hypothesis on differentiation and verticalization of higher education, we use sequential analysis and reconstructive methods to gain an insight into pupil selection procedures, the pedagogic concept and its reference to distinctive semantics and institutional concepts of pupil habitus. The institutional analysis will subsequently be connected to a longitudinal survey of pupils' careers. Four data collection waves will take place consecutively in the 8th, 10th and 12th grades, and six months after the Abitur2. Processes of creating habitus in “exclusive” “Gymnasiums” will be analysed during adolescence and interrelated to the creation of coherence and distinction, as well as to the matching of institutional concepts and the habitus of school pupils. The project affords us new insights into the creation of habitus in “Gymnasiums” in the context of a differentiated field of secondary education.

1 The German “Gymnasium” is a secondary school that prepares pupils for advanced academic studies. Pupils take a final examination that allows them to enter university.

2 The final examination in the German school system.

Abstract first funding phase (2011-14)

The project deals with the  rarely explored area of "exclusive Gymnasiums"1 in relation to public  discourses on elite, excellence and top performance. It analyses six  "Gymnasiums" in two contrasting German regions. Four of these schools  are "exclusive", while two have alternative concepts. Against the backdrop of the hypothesis on differentiation and verticalization of  higher education, we use sequential analysis and reconstructive methods  to gain an insight into pupil selection procedures, the pedagogic  concept, and its reference to distinctive semantics and institutional  concepts of pupil habitus. The institutional analysis will subsequently  be connected to a longitudinal survey of pupils' careers. Four data  collection waves will take place consecutively in the 8th, 10th and  12th grades, and six months after the Abitur2. Processes of creating  habitus in "exclusive Gymnasiums" will be analysed during adolescence  and interrelated to the creation of coherence and distinction, as well  as to the matching of institutional concepts and the habitus of school  pupils. The project affords us new insights into the creation of habitus  in "Gymnasiums" in the context of a differentiated field of secondary education.

1 The German  "Gymnasium" is a secondary school that prepares pupils for advanced  academic studies. Pupils take a final examination that allows them to enter university.

2 German secondary school leaving examination and  general qualification for university entrance.
